FDA Registrar Corp. Certificate
Good Day,We are pleased to provide you with your company's U.S. FDA Facility Registration Number, found on the attached. Certificate of Registration. Your firm's registration pursuant to Section 305 of the U.S. Bioterrorism Act is now complete.
FDA Register Corp. will also send you a color copy of your Certificate of Registration by email. You may wish to use this electronic version to forward copies of your company's Certificate of Registration to your customers and suppliers so they are aware that your company has complied with Section 305 of the Bioterrorism Act. Additionally, your company may (but is not required to display the electronic copy of your company's Certificate of Registration on your web site so that existing and potential customers are aware that your company has complied with Section 305 of the Bioterrorism Act. At this time, you are not required to print your company's Facility Registration Number on any product packaging or shipping documents.
If there are any errors in your registration information, please notify us in writing, preferably by fax. We will be pleased to make changes for you within the 60 day time period allowed by the US FDA.
As your U.S. Agent, we will continue to serve as a communications link between the U.S. FDA and your company. If we receive any correspondence from the U.S. FDA for your company, we will notify you by fax, email, or phone. Please advise us of any changes in any of the following as soon as possible: facility name, address, phone number, owner or person in charge of facility, name, address, phone number, emergency contact person name, address and phone number, trade names, categories of food products, or parent company (if any).
We look forward to assisting you with additional US FDA compliance issues in the future. Please contact us if you have any additional questions.
Compliance Specialist
144 Research Drive, Hampton, Virginia 23666 USA
Phone: +1-757-224-0177 * Fax: +1-757-224-0179 * Email: info@fdaregistrar.com * Website: www.fdaregistrar.com
December 20, 2007
David Ong
Hill-Top Food Corporation
No. 29, Lane 37, Pusing Road, Toucheng Township
Yilane County, 261
FAX: 886-3-9778081